In this article, I will compare Superior Drummer vs EZ drummer. 

I will compare their main features along with some differences.

By the end of this article, you will get an answer to which option is better for you.

Without further ado, let’s dive into it.

 Superior Drummer vs EZ drummer – Quick Overview

Overall, Superior Drummer is geared towards more advanced users who want complete control over their drum sound and MIDI editing. At the same time, EZdrummer is more beginner-friendly and streamlined for quick and easy drum track creation.

Both EZdrummer and Superior Drummer are developed by Toontrack, but they have 4 key differences:

  1. Samples Library: Superior Drummer has a more extensive library of drum samples and MIDI grooves than EZdrummer.
  2. Customization: Superior Drummer offers more customization options for the user, allowing you to adjust mic placement and drum tuning. EZdrummer is more streamlined and geared towards quickly and easily creating drum tracks.
  3. MIDI Editing: Superior Drummer has more advanced MIDI editing capabilities, allowing you to fine-tune individual drum hits and velocities. EZdrummer has a more simplified MIDI editor.
  4. Price: Superior Drummer is more expensive than EZdrummer due to its extensive features and capabilities.

EZ drummer Overview

  • EZ drummer is made for composers and producers who want authentic drums quickly and easily.
  • It Includes an extensive selection of expert drummer-played MIDI grooves in various types and styles.
  • It includes a vintage drum set sound source with limited mic locations.
  • Features a basic, user-friendly UI with a mixer area to modify drum levels and add effects.
  • Has a groove editor to edit or make MIDI melodies.
  • Supports drag-and-drop MIDI output to your DAW, simplifying the process.


  • User-friendly interface: EZdrummer has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, making it ideal for users new to drum software.
  • Wide range of MIDI grooves: EZdrummer has an extensive collection of MIDI grooves played by professional drummers covering various genres and styles, providing users with a quick and easy way to add realistic drums to their productions.
  • Affordable price: EZdrummer is more affordable than Superior Drummer, making it a good choice for home recording enthusiasts and users on a budget.


  • Limited drum sound library: EZdrummer’s drum sound library focuses on classic and vintage drum kits and has a limited number of mic positions, which may need to offer more customization for professional users.
  • Limited mixer features: EZdrummer’s mixer features are basic compared to Superior Drummer, with fewer effects and processing options.

Superior Drummer overview

  • Superior Drummer is for experienced artists, producers, and engineers who need extensive drum sound modification.
  • It includes a vast library of MIDI rhythms played by world-class drummers in various types and styles and a MIDI drum kit builder for making your own grooves.
  • It has a modern drum sound library with various mic locations and articulations.
  • It features a complex mixer with channel processing, bus routing, and many effects.
  • It has a built-in drum replacement tool to change individual drum hits with your samples, making mixing live recordings with sampled drums easy.
  • Allows accurate and expressive drum performances with electronic drum sets and MIDI instruments.


  • Customization: Superior Drummer offers high control and customization over drum sounds, with multiple mic positions and articulations, advanced mixer features and effects processing.
  • Large drum sound library: Superior Drummer’s drum sound library is focused on modern and cutting-edge drum kits, which may be more suitable for professional users who require the latest sounds and technology.
  • Advanced MIDI features: Superior Drummer features a built-in MIDI drum kit builder for creating custom drum kits and a drum replacement tool for blending live recordings with sampled drums.


  • High price: Superior Drummer is more expensive than EZdrummer, making it less accessible to home recording enthusiasts and users on a budget.
  • Steeper learning curve: Superior Drummer’s advanced features and customization options may overwhelm users new to drum software.

Let’s compare some specs

Sample Rate: 

  • EZdrummer operates at a fixed sample rate of 44.1 kHz
  • Superior Drummer supports sample rates up to 96 kHz, allowing higher-quality audio recordings.

Mic Positions: 

  • EZdrummer has limited mic positions for its drum kits, typically only including a stereo overhead and a room mic.
  • Superior Drummer has multiple mic positions for each drum instrument, including close, overhead, room, and ambient mics, allowing for greater control over the sound.

Mixer Features: 

  • EZ drummer’s mixer features include volume, pan, mute, solo, and effects controls for each drum instrument and a master bus with additional effects.
  • Superior Drummer’s mixer features include individual channel processing, bus routing, a wide range of effects, and a master bus with additional effects.


  • EZdrummer allows easy drag-and-drop MIDI export of its grooves and patterns directly into your DAW.
  • Superior Drummer features a built-in MIDI drum kit builder for creating custom drum kits and a drum replacement tool for blending live recordings with sampled drums.


EZ drummer – 7 kits, additional snares, kicks and cymbals, 15 GB of drums, cymbals and percussion, comprehensive MIDI library of grooves and fills.

Superior Drummer – 7 kits, 25 snares, 16 kicks, 350+ electronic drum machine sounds 35 sound processing effects, and more than 230 GB of carefully sampled drums.

 Superior Drummer vs EZ drummer which one is faster?

No one has time for apps that don’t work right when you’re trying to make your artwork.

EZ Drummer 3 is the winner regarding how well it uses RAM. However, Superior Drummer 3 is a more prominent tool, so it tends to use more memory on your computer.

Don’t get me wrong, SD3 is still an excellent option for serious music artists whose computers have much processing power. But EZ Drummer 3 might be the way to go if you’re like me and need a top-of-the-line machine.

Don’t worry, though, because Toontrack has thought of clever ways to deal with SD3’s memory levels. For example, you can “freeze” some channels using the library’s cache mode. This will make your system’s resources more relaxed. So if you choose SD3, you can still make it work.

Is EZdrummer good enough?

EZdrummer is good drum software for many audio artists. Users can rapidly add authentic drums to their works with its wide range of drum noises and MIDI rhythms played by expert drummers. In addition, its budget-friendly price and user-friendly design make it a good option for novices.

However, EZ drummer’s suitability relies on your wants and tastes. Superior Drummer is a more complex drum program that lets you change mic locations and articulations. Nevertheless, EZdrummer gives many users enough choices to make great-sounding drums. 

Is EZ Drummer 3 worth it?

Many audio makers find EZ Drummer 3 worthwhile. Its expert drummer-played MIDI rhythms and drum noises make it great drum software. 

EZ Drummer 3 is a good option for budget-conscious users due to its benefits and price. However, EZ Drummer 3’s value relies on your wants and tastes. Superior Drummer is a more complex drum program that lets you change mic locations and articulations.

EZ Drummer 3 gives many users enough choices to make great-sounding beats. Your process and output need to determine the option.

Who uses Superior Drummer?

Hobbyists to studio operators use Superior Drummer. It’s popular with users who want to customize their drum noises and get a more refined sound.

Superior Drummer is used in metal, rock, and pop music to create genuine drum noises due to its advanced features like mic location, articulations, and humanization. Additionally, film and video game music artists use it for authentic drum noises.

Superior Drummer is used by music artists, engineers, and home studio makers to build high-quality drum files. Superior Drummer is also used with other software instruments and effects to make a refined tone.

How much RAM does EZdrummer use?

The size of the drum set, the number of MIDI rhythms stored, and computer computing power affect how much RAM EZdrummer uses.

EZdrummer uses 500MB to 1GB of RAM with a basic set and a few MIDI rhythms. This can rise considerably if you use numerous versions of EZdrummer, more extensive collections, or many MIDI rhythms.

EZdrummer and other music creation tools work better with more RAM. EZdrummer works best with 8GB or more RAM.


This article compares Toontrack drum software Superior Drummer and EZ Drummer. EZ Drummer has a simpler interface, fewer customization options, and a smaller drum sample and MIDI groove library for beginners.

Superior Drummer, on the other hand, offers a huge library of drum samples and MIDI grooves, extensive customization, and advanced MIDI editing for advanced users. Superior Drummer costs more. EZ Drummer uses less RAM, but Superior Drummer is more advanced. The article compares sample rates, mic positions, mixer features, and MIDI capabilities.